فنادق في روما: احصل على أفضل عرض للحجز في الفندق في روما بأسعار رخيصة بدون رسوم حجز إضافية. وأنت تدفع رسوم حجز الغرفة في الفندق روما عند إنهاء إجراءات المغادرة. والإلغاء مجاني.


روما إيطاليا History


Rome is one of the ancient cities all over the world, and still one of the most breathtaking ones, saving its antique architecture and memorable articles of history.

Touching the problems of its foundation, it is necessary to say a host of different thoughts and points of view exist. Its creation goes back to the very early days of civilization, but it is rather difficult to say what the exact date of its birth is. The Romans believed that their city was founded in the year 753 Before Christ, while the modern historians are sure that it was the year 625 BC. In any case, what is for sure is that this very city is an eternal one, managed to survive during such a long period of the world history.

The city of Rome grew from a small Italian fishing village; later it became a small but still powerful metropolis, which controlled the whole territory of Italy, southern Europe, the Middle East, and Egypt. This very fact made Rome to be the most largest, influential and vigorous empire in the world by the time of AD. This military state controlled and maintained the vast territories, extending from Egypt to Great Britain and from Mesopotamia to Spain. Sometimes it is even hard to believe that such a huge empire could have existed at that very period of time.

Allof us should know that owing to this very state law and justice appeared in our life, and made it to be correct, fair, and equitable.
However, Rome was not a potential administrative and military empire only, but a prosperous cultural centre of the whole planet. Greek culture gave birth to the Roman one, but Romans managed to derive a lot from the last one and created their own, irreproachable and immaculate, being the plush sample to all the modern cultures till our days.

The Roman Empire is a really unique and unsurpassed phenomenon we are owing our existence to.

نحن نقدم 23557 فنادق في إيطاليا روما مع أسعار منخفضة وخصومات. نظامنا يوفر فنادق رخيصة وفاخرة في روما، النزل، الموتيلات، مبيت وإفطار، وفنادق اقتصادية في روما. لدينا عروض من الفنادق في مركز روما. يمكنك أيضا حجز فندق المطار روما بسعر رخيص. نظامنا آمن ومجاني (بدون رسوم إضافية على الحجز).

العثور على فندق

الفنادق حسب الموقع

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